Course: Data Quality, -Profiling and -Management

Because of a lack of offerings in the Belgian market, element61 has developed a training on Data Quality, -Profiling and -Management. Details on the training objectives and target audience can be found below. 

Course description

Data quality management is one of the greatest challenges of information technology. According to the experts, the cost of poor data quality can reach as high as 15 to 25% of operating profit. (source: TDWI).  The training will give insights on How to define Data Quality and provide you with a process and techniques to identify and improve Data Quality issues.  Next to Data Quality the training will also cover and define Master Data Management and how this relates to your Data driven initiatives.    

We will shed some light on Data Management Technologies and cover Data Quality profiling tools.  This will include a use case applied in one specific toolset.

Learning outcomes

The training will handle underneath modules/topics

  • Introduction
  • Data Quality
  • Data Quality Process
  • Master Data Management
  • Data Management Technology
  • Data Profiling
  • Data Quality Applications

Target audience

This course is intended towards professionals that are considered as stakeholder in any Data driven initiative. This includes data architects, data stewards, Master Data managers, data modelers, business analysts, business intelligence designers, project managers, DW/BI developers.


Suggested prerequisites: General Data Warehousing & Business Intelligence knowledge. 


The training consists mainly of plenary lecturing with a limited set of additional exercises. The course can be taught in both English or Dutch, also on-site at the customers' premises.


Joeri Willems

Joeri Willems has been active in Business Intelligence & Data Warehousing since 2003. Joeri graduated in 2001 as an Industrial Engineer in ICT & Electronics at Groep T, nowadays part of the KU Leuven University group, and complemented this with a specialization in Business Economics (2002).

More information ?

For more information, contact Tom Graft at of +32 471 645 671.

For a complete overview of all courses, visit our academy page.