Expertise at element61
The senior experts at element61 have a combined Analytics & Performance Management experience of almost 1100+ man-years. Within Performance Management, there is little substitute for experience, therefore we try to leverage our knowledge as much as possible towards our customers through our coaching programs.
Coaching programs for knowledge transfer
These programs consist of one of element61's experts (technical and/or functional) to assist personnel of our customers in their day-to-day Performance Management activities and to coach them wherever needed. This is a proven technique, whether we are dealing with very technical topics (how to use MS SQL Server Integration Services) or functional areas (how to set up a best practice BI architecture for a multi-national FMCG company).
Benefits of the Coaching Model
This model ensures a faster and better knowledge transfer than traditional classroom training because it is essentially a combination of knowledge transfer followed by immediate application of the acquired knowledge in a real-life situation. Next to that, the budgetary impact of this kind of program is usually also quite limited, because it does not require an element61 architect to be on-site at the customer full-time.
Proven success with customers
We have applied this to many of our customers for various topics and find that it is extremely effective and efficient and that - depending on the topic and the previous knowledge of the customer - it takes anywhere between a few days and a few weeks for people to reach almost the same level of knowledge and know-how than the element61 expert.
Contact us for more information on this topic.