Key Features and Benefits
- SAP BPC is an unified Enterprise Performance Management (EPM) application that leverages a centralized performance database, common user interface (Excel), and single sign-on across the whole of the EPM processes it supports (including statutory consolidation, budgeting, forecasting, planning, reporting, analysis, predictive analytics, scorecarding, and dashboards)
- SAP BPC is a real-time solution that provides business users rapidly with immediate access to action-oriented, significant and decision-making information, and allows users to dynamically view changes to plans, forecasts, budgets, and reports
- SAP BPC leverages the full extent of corporate intelligence, incorporating both structured data (database-driven) and unstructured data (employee-driven) to provide the "story behind the numbers" for transparency required by the financial community (analysts, investors) and third parties
- SAP BPC leverages the power of Microsoft Excel on an enterprise-scale, transforming Excel from a personal desktop tool into a collaborative, enterprise-scale EPM solution that provides users with a familiar, intuitive, readily accepted environment
- SAP BPC lets administrators build and maintain SAP BPC applications using Microsoft Excel as the easy-to-use interface for all administrative tasks. The SAP BPC customer obtains full ownership of the solution
- SAP BPC's fully web-based architecture provides universal access, allowing people at any level (including non-linked' subsidiaries) to participate in the strategic consolidation, budgeting, reporting and other processes. SAP BPC's unified, web-based architecture allows for zero-footprint, ultra-fast deployment, scalable to the hundreds
- Integration with your existing SAP and non-SAP source systems is seamless
Contact us for more information on SAP BPC or with your specific request !