Power BI desktop

Power BI desktop

Power BI Desktop is a free application you can install on your local computer that lets you connect to, transform, and visualize your data. With Power BI Desktop, you can connect to multiple different sources of data, and combine them (often called modeling) into a data model that lets you build visuals, and collections of visuals you can share as reports, with other people inside your organization. Most users who work on Business Intelligence projects use Power BI Desktop to create reports, and then use the Power BI service to share their reports with others. 

The most common uses for Power BI Desktop are the following:

  • Connect to a data source
  • Transform and clean that data, to create a data model
  • Create visuals
  • Create reports & share reports with others using Power BI service

With Power BI Desktop you can create complex and visually rich reports, using data from multiple sources, all in one report that you can share with others in your organization.

Power BI Service

Power BI desktopThe Microsoft Power BI service is sometimes referred to as Power BI online. Power BI helps you stay up-to-date with the information that matters to you.