Although SAP bought Business Objects at the end of 2007, the brand name SAP Business Objects is still very fresh! Even now, for the various user communities, it is not completely clear what the term stands for (or more importantly what it means to them). Within the Business Objects community, it already depends greatly if you're talking to a "Web Intelligence person or a "Crystal Reports person. For the SAP BI community terminology like Web Intelligence, InfoView or any other Business Objects solution might not even ring a bell.
The term Business Intelligence is already more settled. Depending on the source, it is defined as range of applications, technologies and methodologies to disclose information to end users for making decisions. It encompasses functionality in the area of Query, Reporting, Analysis & Dashboarding.
In this section, when element61 talks about service offerings for SAP Business Objects - Business Intelligence, you will find we have BI competences in the areas of :
- Business Objects stand alone,
- Business Objects on top of SAP BW,
- Business Objects in mixed environment (SAP BW and other type of data warehouse),
- Business Explorer (BEx) on top of SAP BW.
Contact us for more information on SAP BusinessObjects Xi Business Intelligence !