Adobe Experience Cloud


With Adobe Experience Cloud, Adobe is leading vendor in the space of Digital Marketing Management Software. Adobe is offering digital tracking, a DMP platform, personalization tools, campaign management & Adtech-solutions.

element61 has partnered with Adobe on the Digital marketing software, also called the Adobe Experience Cloud with a deep experience in the Analytics Cloud. As a leader vendor, Adobe is offering companies everything they need to deliver a well-designed, personal and consistent experience to their customers.

Adobe Experience Cloud

What is Adobe Experience Cloud?

Adobe Experience Cloud is Adobe's offering to Marketeers. Included in the Experience Cloud are various individual products

  • Adobe Analytics
    = Adobe Analytics is strong alternative for Google Analytics allowing Marketeers to track & report, without any sampling, on digital web & app behaviour as well as to access this raw data in an accessible format for data science usage.
  • Adobe Audience Manager
    = Adobe's Data Management Platform (DMP) is Adobe Audience Manager and a leading DMP for both Publishers and Advertisers. Adobe has its strengths in a tight connection with Adobe Analytics as well as focus on 1st party data
  • Adobe Campaign
    = Adobe's orchestration tool allowing to trigger and orchestrate various marketing execution tools including Mail
  • Adobe Target
    = Adobe's tool to personalize your website and app with customized banners, buttons, call-to-actions, etc.
  • Adobe Advertising Cloud
    • DSP or Demand Site Platform
    • Search or Search Buying Platform
    • DCO or Dynamic Creative Optimization
  • Adobe Experience Platform 
    = Adobe's underlying data platform enabling the ability to keep a customer profile in true real-time and enable profiling


Does Adobe have a CDP?

Yes! Although individual products can help customers in their specific needs, the true strength is their integration. Adobe offers a CDP platform by combining their Adobe Experience Platform with their Adobe Audience Manager (DMP).

Continue reading on the value of a Customer Data Platform

element61 is a partner of Adobe with extensive experience with the usage of Adobe Audience Manager as a Data Management Platform (DMP) and Adobe Experience Platform as a Customer Data Platform enabler. 

Contact us for more information or with your specific request.