SAP Enterprise Performance Management

Within SAPs future strategy around Enterprise Performance Management, the -in 2007- acquired technology of Outlooksoft plays an important role. Renamed as SAP Business Planning & Consolidation (SAP BPC), the solution is the future cornerstone for Planning, Budgeting & Forecasting and Consolidation functionalities. As such, over time, it will replace SAP SEM BPS and Integrated Planning in the SAP EPM roadmap.

element61 has unique skills and experiences in SAP BPC (Outlooksoft release 5.0, 7.0 Microsoft release and 7.0 Netweaver release), SAP BPS and SAP Integrated Planning. In addition to SAP BPC, the former Pilot Software technology will compose SAPs scorecarding solution and the by Business Objects acquired ALG Software the SAP Profitability Management and Activity Based Management component.
element61 has a particular focus on the future integration of these components with each other in order to enable closed-loop Corporate Performance Management, but also focuses on the integration of the solutions with the SAP Business Warehouse backbone and the SAP Business Objects Business Intelligence stack.

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