Although software vendors would like you to believe otherwise, Performance Management is about more than just technology and certainly more than just buying software. An organization needs to be ready to use whatever Performance Management solution is built and obviously, each organization has a different level of maturity in this. element61 can help to identify what roles & processes around Performance Management need to be introduced in order for you to be able to reach the next level of PM maturity.
This involves looking at the roles of the Business (Finance office), ICT, the BICC or PMCC and finetuning their responsibilities in the Performance Management process. This may also include defining new roles or processes in the organization, such as e.g. Data Stewards who can play a significant role in improving data quality or maintaining master data (governance).
element61 consultants have expertise in assessing - based on a standardized questionnaire or framework - the Performance Management maturity of an organization and then jointly with the customer define a roadmap for the next steps in improving that maturity. This is a key success factor for PM, because even a state-of-the-art PM architecture will not be used to its maximum value if the people in the organization don't use it or use it incorrectly.
Contact us for more information on PM & BI Governance & Processes.