Carmeuse is implementing CCH Tagetik 5 for a broad scope including the consolidation process, replacing of SAP SEM BCS, the management consolidation and reporting process, next to the Budgeting process which is currently still being executed partially in SAP BPC for Sales budget and forecast, next to the CAPEX process also covered within SAP BPC. Additionally, some reporting resided in Microsoft Excel such as long-term planning.
The starting point of the CCH Tagetik implementation was the consolidation and management reporting of the Carmeuse group in replacement of SAP SEM BCS. With the implementation of CCH Tagetik the main goal was to streamline and integrate financial and managerial (cost/profit center driven) consolidation and reporting in one unique processes. Serving both the internal managerial and external legal consolidation needs starting from a unique data set and run within a single reporting process. Synchronisation from and towards the corporate Datawarehouse-, next to elements such as the automated consolidated cash flow and matrix consolidation setup across legal entities and cost/profit centers are some of the main realisations within the consolidation track.
The sales forecasting process and long-term planning process are two crucial reporting cycles that also have been set up in CCH Tagetik. Flexibility in allowing the sales reps to update and analyse prices, quantities, discounts and some other specific elements are key in the delivery of a powerful sales forecasting solution. For the long term planning the challenge to automate as much as possible the predictions from previous forecasts, KPI's and drivers have been successfully met within the CCH Tagetik application, next to the reporting of net debt impact of the long term planning.
Finally, the Capex forecasting and the remaining components of the Budget process are targeted, to complete the CPM Tagetik project roadmap.
element61 has executed the full implementation of this ambitious project. In parallel, element61 has realized together with the customer, the migration of the SAP BW data warehouse to a new Microsoft MS SQL Server-based data warehouse, which is a key source and target of data for the CPM Tagetik project.