Tom Claessens

till now

Analytics Architect

Tom graduated from Ghent University in 2022 with a Master of Science in Business Engineering focussing on Data Analytics.

During his time at university, he was deeply engaged in the fields of statistics and data analytics. As a consequence, he has grown a passion for data, which is at the heart of all the projects he works on. A passion he loves to share. The whole process from data collection to interpreting meaningful results excites him every time, especially when it helps in solving real-world problems and enhances corporate decision-making.

Towards the close of his academic career, he decided to devote himself entirely to Bayesian statistics, a journey he completed by writing his thesis on the application of Bayesian statistics in the context of concept drift. As a result, he acquired the ability to manage machine learning models in dynamically changing environments — a skill that is becoming ever more relevant in today's rapidly changing world.

Tom does not, however, spend all his time in front of a computer. In his spare time, he fulfills a social commitment by imparting his enthusiasm and expertise to young people at Ell Circo D’ell Fuego in Antwerp, where he has been active since he was a little child and currently gives various workshops and training. Besides a lot of fulfillment, he gained leadership-, social-, and coordination abilities from doing this. Along with that, he enjoys spending time with friends, traveling to distant places, exercising, and generally living life to the fullest.

As Tom looks to the future, he wishes to remain surrounded by passionate people, build relevant Analytics solutions together and, above all, continue to learn every day. element61, therefore, seemed to him the perfect place to start his professional career.

Tom started working at element61 in October 2022.