Take the Analytics & AI Maturity Survey

To help organizations accelerate in their Data & Analytics maturity, element61 and Microsoft are partnering and organizing the Analytics & AI Maturity Survey. Complete our Analytics & AI Maturity Survey and get a free benchmark of your organisation vs. the market. Read more about the initiative below.

Objective of the Analytics & AI maturity Survey?

This initiative has two objectives: First, we aim to understand (Belgian) organizations in their maturity to enable and unlock Analytics & AI: where they are, what has proven successful, how they struggle and what they are missing to further enable acceleration of becoming "Smart Companies". We also want to get an understanding on how companies are leveraging Data Platform Modernisation to achieve this goal.

Secondly, element61 and Microsoft aim to support organizations in accelerating their Analytics & AI maturity. Through content, interactive digital platforms and exclusive events we want to inform, guide and enable your organization towards reaching a higher Analytics & AI maturity.

What's in it for me?

Most of our content will be publicly available for free. Through below links, we invite you to learn using our interactive showcase platform, our use-case platform and our knowledge base.

In addition, we will invite participants to some exclusive events where we'll have your peers and our customers to share their Analytics journey. We invite you to participate and to learn from the experiences, tips, approaches and best-practices shared.

How to participate?

We invite everyone to first take our Analytics & AI Maturity Survey (see below). Starting from this survey, we'll get to know each other, share relevant content and receive invites to relevant events. You also will receive a nice 40 pages free report that benchmarks your organization -based on your answers- versus your peers in the local market.

Keen to start learning?

Complete the Analytics & AI Survey right away !
(The survey is no longer active.)