Webinar: Visualize, Explore and Get Smart with IBM Cognos Analytics Solution demo


Webinar: Visualize, Explore and Get Smart with IBM Cognos Analytics Solution demo



A lot of our long-lasting Cognos customers are approaching IBM Cognos Analytics via an upgrade from their existing Cognos BI 10 release.  This typically gets done via a lift-and-shift approach.  After some time of getting acquainted with the new interface, they are keen on getting into the new features and modules.  The dashboarding module offers great flexibility when it comes to self-service reporting/dashboarding.

In this session we will show you how Cognos Analytics delivers insights from exploration of data to attractive dashboarding and beyond to Smarts, including AI techniques. Exploration goes beyond dashboards to let you range widely as you look for insights that will make a difference to your business.

Dashboarding will allow nice visualization and will introduce even more flexibility than with the initial release. Smarts, shorthand for augmented intelligence, will offer recommendations and advanced and unbiased analytics insights.

Webinar: Visualize, Explore and Get Smart with IBM Cognos Analytics Solution demo

After registration you can watch the demo: