Jonathan De Pauw

jusqu'à maintenant

Principal Performance Management Architect

Jonathan has a Civil Engineer degree (KULeuven) and a postgraduate degree in Business Economics (KULeuven).

Combining his biomedical, analytical, and economic background, he started at UZ Leuven as a Business Analyst. He joined RealDolmen as a consultant to extend his technical knowledge and his knowledge regarding Corporate Performance Management processes & Reporting.

To broaden his experience in different sectors and further grow in Financial Reporting, he joined CFObelux (merged into element61). For several years Jonathan worked as a certified, experienced Principal SAP BPC Consultant.

Since 2019 Jonathan broadened his CPM horizon and developed his skillset within the CCH Tagetik technology, becoming a certified CCH Tagetik consolidation and budget and planning expert.

Today at element61 Jonathan contributes to the end-to-end implementation of CPM projects both within the domain of SAP CPM as well as with CCH Tagetik. He acts as a principal consultant knowledgeable about different topics, such as financial or managerial consolidation, budgeting, planning, and forecasting, but evenly so he masters technical domains such as ETL, MDX, or the occasional SQL scripts.

Jonathan combines an excellent understanding of budgeting and forecasting processes, together with a thorough understanding of consolidation. This, together with his technical skills and analytical mindset, allows him to anticipate adequately in the implementation track, from the requirements definition through the build phase up to the go-live support window.

In his spare time, Jonathan is a soccer player.