Optimize consolidation with CCH Tagetik (Webinar)


Eager to revitalize your consolidation process? Experience how element61 can support you, introducing control in the data consolidation and agility in the data analysis and reporting process, supported by CCH Tagetik Consolidation & Close.

Join this free webinar !

In this live webinar we will focus on how CCH Tagetik facilitates the consolidator-role within the consolidation, analysis & reporting cycle, with:

  • Agile analysis granting data breakdown by origin and nature.
  • Consolidated Cash Flow statement as the cornerstone of validation & reporting.
  • Segment Reporting as real-time reporting functionality.
  • Office Suite Reporting by integrating with Microsoft Office (Word, PowerPoint, etc.) to easily create narrative reports including board books, annual reports and more.

Register for this session responsible for consolidation, analysis and reporting at (sub)group level.

This virtual sessions is 100% free and open for all who want to join.

CCH Tagetik offers a modern consolidation and reporting solution as part of integrated CPM platform with next to consolidation also planning, forecasting, budgeting, management reporting and disclosure management in one single solution. One unique source of data to provide complete visibility and full control towards the finance audience.

element61 is a seasoned consultancy firm with relevant experience and expertise throughout all CPM processes.

Optimize consolidation with CCH Tagetik (Webinar)


After registration, you can watch this webinar.