Konstantin Lazarov

jusqu'à maintenant

Analytics Architect

Konstantin obtained a Master in Business Engineering from Ghent University, specializing in Data Analytics, in 2023. His Master dissertation focused on the application of adversarial learning in the context of credit scoring. In the summer of 2022, Konstantin did an internship at element61 in which he developed an end-to-end marketing cockpit that combined multiple API data streams visualizing them in a meaningful way. During these experiences, Konstantin developed and consolidated his passion for data, its multiple applications, and the business value that can be derived from it.

Next to his studies, Konstantin was an active board member of Academics for Companies for two years. During this time, he helped the student organization grow by forming new partnerships, organizing 1-day data challenge competitions, and managing consulting projects. Moreover, he was an active player on the university rugby team for many years and president of the team for 1 season. These activities helped Konstantin to develop multiple soft skills while collaborating with people from different backgrounds.

In his free time, he enjoys physically challenging himself through weightlifting, running, and playing squash, as well as travelling and exploring new destinations. He is also passionate about (heavier) music and plays electric guitar and keyboard in a band in Ghent.

Konstantin joined element61 in September 2023.