An Bouckaert

jusqu'à maintenant

Data Scientist

An Bouckaert graduated with a Master of Science in Business Engineering, option Data Analytics from Ghent University in 2022.

During her Master, she discovered her passion for data. She decided to join element61 in the summer of 2021 for an internship to work on the creation of an end-to-end Marketing Cockpit using various APIs, Azure & Power BI.

During her studies, An liked to be busy and engaged in several student activities. She was able to organize various big events with the Vlaamse Economische Kring, engage with the board of Stuveco, participate in 180 Degrees Consulting, and so on. All these engagements have ensured she acquired multiple soft skills and it has given her a clear idea of what she wants to do in the future.

An would like to combine her creativity with her data analytics background to find unique solutions and wishes to continuously work on developing herself.

An started working at element61 in September 2022.