Marie Vandecavey

jusqu'à maintenant

Analytics Analyst

Marie started her studies at the Saint-Louis University of Brussels in Business Engineering, in a trilingual programme. She then completed a Master in Business Engineering at KU Leuven with a major in Data Science and Business Analytics. Studying business engineering confirmed her interest in combining a plethora of disciplines and triggered her passion for using data and technologies to gain a better understanding of business needs and improve the efficiency of processes.

After graduating from Business Engineering in 2022, she decided to specialise in AI with an advanced Master at KU Leuven. This was a way for her to get acquainted with different fields in AI (Automated reasoning with rational agents, Machine Learning, NLP, Human-AI Interaction and Computer Vision).

Passionate about other cultures and eager to learn, Marie did two exchange programmes during her studies, one in Sydney at the Australian Catholic University (ACU) and one at the Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e). Through these two enriching experiences, she could discover various cultures, ways of living and teaching approaches, and work on a variety of team projects. She also did an internship at AXA Bank Belgium on Churn prediction for her first Master's thesis, and another one at dataroots on researching opportunities and challenges in Explainable AI for her second Master's thesis.

Throughout her studies, she has gained experience with different programming languages (such as Python, Java, R, MATLAB, SAS and SQL).

Marie particularly values continuous learning, multi-disciplinary teamwork, and strategic thinking. Especially with the current fast-evolving environment, she gives importance to adopting various perspectives and a structured methodology. She believes richness comes from the diversity of people.

Marie joined element61 in September 2023.