element61 launches their Azure OpenAI Roadmap

The world of AI has been evolving revolutionary fast in the last couple of months: various new AI services like DALL-E & ChatGPT make AI suddenly very tangible, very concrete & very actionable.

A lot of questions are asked about GPT, OpenAI, Dall-E and how all of these innovations can be leveraged in your company. How can you as a company start with these technologies on your enterprise data, your proprietary data and turn them into services for internal and/or commercial use. To define your use-cases & get those questions answered, element61 is launching the Azure OpenAI Roadmap initiative; a 4-day workshop series to jointly work with your teams to get this concrete.

Why this new Azure OpenAI Roadmap initiative?

Data Strategy

"With Azure OpenAI, a lot of companies are wondering how these new technologies can be leveraged in their business and day-to-day. As element61, we want to be a companion for our customers in both clarifying, inspiring & defining this potential into concrete use-cases and first actions.
Because we have been running similar analytics strategic roadmaps for many years: leveraging this expertise & approach and tuning it to fit this Azure OpenAI topic allows to offer a working, simple yet powerful approach to jointly makes this AI opportunity concrete & actionable for our customers."

Peter Depypere, Partner Data Science & Analysis


What's in this 4-day Azure OpenAI Roadmap?

It's an exercise aimed to work with your business & data teams to identify the most impactful use-cases to work with Azure Open AI in your organization. Our team of Analytics experts will work with you to understand your business goals, challenges, and data landscape. We'll then map out potential AI use-cases across different areas of your business, such as customer service, operations, or marketing.

Concretely, the Azure OpenAI Roadmap by element61 involves our 3-step approach as we do in any roadmap incl. 

  1. We start by running a series of business interviews across various functional areas incl. finance, HR, sales, marketing, manufacturing. During these interviews, we evaluate strategic initiatives, challenges and tease your team to think beyond existing solutions. We leverage our OpenAI defined use-case book & tangible proof-cases to inspire & trigger new discussions - "could this be relevant in your business?"
  2. Based on the interviews & the ideas identified, we conduct several workshops on how your business can benefit from the Azure OpenAI services as well as other Azure Cognitive services. We host two workshop on how those services integrate in your Data Platform. 

  3. Next, we create documentation & we leverage our use-case framework to list up all the possible use cases with a summary on both feasibility, data availability, complexity and business ROI.

If you want to know more about our element61 Azure OpenAI Roadmap: Please take a look at our dedicated page: Azure Open AI Roadmap | element61


What's next?

Peter Depypere (Partner Analytics): "Launching this Azure Open AI Roadmap initiative is just an accelerating step to work with our customers on AI initiatives. In parallel to these roadmaps, we are already working many years on AI & ML with our customers. We are excited to further accelerate this next months by coming with new demo's, offerings, success cases and inspiration events. Exciting times ahead"